Working for Walmart?

It has now been almost three months since being back in America and within that three months I have begun working at Walmart. It has been a little over a month since I have started and this week is my last week as I fly out to California on Friday. We all have had our part-time minimum wage job experience, so I thought I would share mine.

I began working on May 8th in Walmart’s Online Grocery Pickup Department. First, I was a picker which means I go around the store and I fill people’s online grocery orders. My management soon learned that someone who has only been inside an American grocery store maybe five times in the past four years should not be going around getting people’s groceries. I was quickly switched to dispensing people’s orders when they arrived. Which pretty much means that I collect the person’s order and I bring it out to their car and unload it for them.

It has overall been a super easy job mentally, there isn’t much I need to think about besides scanning totes and sending them out. Though, man is it tiring. I don’t think I have walked this much daily in a long time. Not to mention, I can now (almost) do a full push-up! (Unloading water bottle packs is hard work.)

Our backroom.

My coworkers have made the job fun as well. Most of them are encouraging and are hard workers and for the others, well, let’s just say that won’t be getting a farewell candy bar from me (lol.)

The main thing I have taken away from this experience is that I’m glad for the past few years I have worked in different more professional like jobs/internships. I think if I had gone into Walmart without any other knowledge of how work places actually are like I would’ve had a much harder time. I learned that most management don’t actually know what they are doing nor will step up to the plate when given an issue to deal with. I also learned that I can be a lot stronger when needed, I don’t think I have ever lifted this much before in my life. In the end, the store I worked at under Walmart is such a small look into what working in America and in a group setting actually is like and although it was extremely tiring, I’m glad I got this opportunity. I feel very privileged as well to be able to take up a job like this simply because I’m bored. I believe this company gives a lot of opportunity to its workers, although it is based mostly on loyalty, I think they do a good job trying their best to allow their employees to grow which I can appreciate.

Here is me getting poured on.

There isn’t much more I can say about my experience without bringing up specific details that are individual based but I will leave it like this. Would I work at a job like this again for no real reason? No, never, nopeeee. Was it good to me for the time being? Yeah, I would say so. Will my feet hurt for the next month? Probably.

One thought on “Working for Walmart?

  1. It was a pleasure working with you. It didn’t seem like work to me because we had loads of fun. I hate to see you go. I’m really going to miss you. You will always be my “Mei Ling”!!!!

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